Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

In a broad sense is fertilizer is a material

In a broad sense is fertilizer is a material that is used to alter the physical, chemical or biological soil so that it becomes better for plant growth.In a special sense whice fertilizer is a material containing one or more plant nutrients.

FERTILIZER FOR OTHER DEFINITIONSFertilizer is a material that is added to the growing media and plants to provide for the necessary plant nutrient so as to produce well. Material can be either organic manure or inorganic (mineral). Different fertilizer supplements. Fertilizers containing feedstock plant growth and development, while supplements like hormontumbuhan help smooth the process of metabolism. Into the fertilizer, especially fertilizers, supplements may be added a number of materials.
In the fertilizer needs to consider these plants, so plants do not get terkaku many nutrients. Too little or too banyan food substances can be harmful to plants. Fertilizer can be given through the soil or sprayed onto the leaves.

Fertilizer can be distinguished by the origin of the material, compound, phase, how to use, physiological reaction, the amount and kinds of nutrients they contain.Based originally distinguished:

Natural Fertilizers are natural fertilizers contained in or made with natural ingredients without meaningful process. For example: compost, guano, green manure and fertilizer rocks P.
Artificial fertilizer is fertilizer made by the manufacturer. For example, TSP, urea, and nitrophoska Rustika. Fertilizer is made by the manufacturer to change the natural resources through the physics and / or chemistry.

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