Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Based compounds are distinguished:

Based compounds are distinguished:

Organic fertilizer is fertilizer in the form of organic compounds. Most organic fertilizers classified as natural fertilizer (manure, compost, guano). Natural fertilizer that does not include organic fertilizers such as rock phosphate, commonly derived from similar rocks apatite [Ca3 (PO4) 2].
Inorganic or mineral fertilizers are fertilizers from inorganic compounds. Almost all fertilizers classified as inorganic fertilizer.

Based on the phase of his distinguished:

Solid fertilizers. Fertilizers generally have solid solubility range from water soluble to poorly soluble.
Liquid fertilizer. Fertilizer is a liquid, how to use reconstituted with water first. Generally, this fertilizer is sprayed onto the leaves. Because it contains a lot of nutrients, both macro and micro level, the price is relatively expensive. Fertilizer Liquid ammonia is a liquid fertilizer N its high levels around 83%, can pass the land use (injected).

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