Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Role in enzyme activators

Role in enzyme activators, chlorophyll formation and helps the process of photosynthesis.
Lack of growth is slow, the distance between a short book, leaf dwarf, wrinkle, or curl on one side and then followed with a loss. Yellow fruit will open, and eventually fall. Buahpun be more weak and so the fruit should be bent straight.
Excess zinc elements show no real impact.

d. Iron (Fe)

Role in the formation of proteins, chlorophyll pembentuka catalytic, electron carrier in the process of photosynthesis and respiration. Activator of several enzymes.
Symptoms of deficiency chlorosis and leaf yellowing or nekrosa. Young leaves appear white, damaged roots.
When excess causes necrosis characterized by the appearance of black spots on the leaves.

e. Molybdenum (Mo)

acts as an electron carrier to convert nitrate into the enzyme, also play a role in nitrogen fixation.
Deficiencies indicated by the emergence of chlorosis in older leaves, then spread to younger leaves.
If the excess is not showing signs of real adenium

Role in energy transport severa

 Role in energy transport several enzymes in plants. This element is very dominant in the leaves, especially for the availability of chlorophyll. It is also a core component of the formation of chlorophyll and enzymes in various process of protein synthesis.
Symptoms of low level yellow patches appear on the surface of older leaves. This happens because Mg is transported to young leaves. Older leaves become weak and eventually susceptible to disease, especially powdery mildew (powdery mildew)
If the excess does not cause extreme symptoms

e. Calcium (Ca)

Play a role in cell growth, strengthen and regulate penetrating power, as well as treating the cell wall.
Symptoms of deficiency are growing point is weak, deformed leaves, curling, minor, and eventually fall out. Calcium causes high but not stocky plants, as a direct effect on the growing point, also causes stunted flower production, flower fall.
Symptoms of deficiency does not affect much, it only affects the pH of the soil

f. Sulfur (S)

Contribute to the growth of the plant, preparing and forming chlorophyll protein
If the lack of growth stunted, emaciated, rises, including leaf yellowing leaves emerging, late in ripening


Boron is closely related to the process of formation, division, and differentiation, and division of cells. This is related to its role in the synthesis of RNA, the base material forming cells.
When the shortage leaves darker than normal leaves, thick and wrinkled.
When the excess yellow leaves and necrosis

b. Copper (Cu)

Act as activators and bring some enzymes, help smooth the process of photosynthesis, chlorophyll formation, and was instrumental in the production function.
If deficiencies bluish green leaves, leaf buds contract and grow small, stunted growth rate
When excess plants grow dwarf, branching is limited, inhibited root formation, root thickened and dark.

Phosphorus is a constituent component

 Phosphorus is a constituent component of several enzymes, proteins, ATP, RNA, and DNA. ATP is important for the energy transfer process, while RNA and DNA determines the genetic properties of plants. P element also plays a role in the growth of the seeds, roots, flowers, and fruit. By improving the structure of the roots so that the absorption of nutrients even better. Function also in the process of photosynthesis and chemical plant physiology, to cell division.
When the shortage leaves parents tend gray. Brown leaf margins, bone young leaves dark green, burnt, the growth of small leaves, stunted, eventually falling, slower growth phase and stunted plants.
If the excess absorption of elements such as iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) is disturbed. But the physical symptoms are not visible on the plant.

c. Potassium (K)

Potassium acts as a regulator of plant physiological processes such as photosynthesis, accumulation, translocation, transport of carbohydrates, open the closed stomata, or arrange for the distribution of water in tissues,
Symptoms of low level leaves a small, white, yellow, or red. Part pingggir leaves yellow or red, to brown, burned, and eventually die.
Symptoms of excess causes impaired absorption of Ca and Mg. Stunted plant growth so that plants deficient.

Contains macro nutrients necessary

MACRO ELEMENTSContains macro nutrients necessary nutrients plants in large quantities. However, it does not mean that given an infinite amount. There is a certain threshold of tolerable crop. Exceeds the limit, the plant can continue poisoned to death.

Needed to compose 1-4% dry matter (the hard part) crops, such as stems, bark, and seeds.
Taken from the soil in the form of nitrate (NO3-) or ammonium (NH4 +).
Useful in the formation of cells, tissues, and organs of plants; as building blocks of protein, chlorophyll synthetic materials, and also berperandalam part of the process of growth and the establishment of production plants, such as fruits, leaves and tubers.
Symptoms of deficiency: nitrogen-deficient plants recognizable from the bottom of the leaf, the leaf chlorophyll deficiency menguningkarena, dry up and fall off. The bones in the lower leaf surface easily looked pale. Plant growth is slow, stunted and weak. Flower and seed production low.
Symptoms of excess: too green leaf color, lush plants with leaves. A long process of fertilization. Adenium will be succulent as they contain a lot of water. This causes vulnerable to attack of fungi and diseases, and easy to collapse. Flower production decreases.

Organic fertilizers are not only solid

Can maintain soil moisture, reduce evaporation, water savings
Prevent erosion, mulch-covered soil surface insoluble and water-borne
Inhibit the leaching of nutrients to surface waters and
Keeping the soil remains crumb texture
Avoid contamination of diseases caused by rain splash
Streamlining the activities of soil microorganisms that help fertilize the soil and humus source.

5. LIQUID FERTILIZEROrganic fertilizers are not only solid to a liquid such as inorganic fertilizers. Liquid fertilizer seems to be more easily utilized by plants because the elements in them have broken down and no amount is too much that it felt faster benefits. Liquid fertilizer raw materials can be derived from the treatment of solid fertilizer immersion. After a couple of weeks and through several treatment, water immersion can already be used as a liquid fertilizer.

Organic fertilizers are not only solid to a liquid such as inorganic fertilizers. Liquid fertilizer seems to be more easily utilized by plants because the elements in them have broken down and no amount is too much that it felt faster benefits. Liquid fertilizer raw materials can be derived from the treatment of solid fertilizer immersion. After a couple of weeks and through several treatment, water immersion can already be used as a liquid fertilizer.

INORGANIC FERTILIZERSIn general there are two types of inorganic fertilizers available in the market:1. SINGLE FERTILIZER: Fertilizer made from one element is dominant.For example: Urea-containing N, TSP or SP 36 with P, and KCl or ZK with K the dominant element.2. Compound Fertilizer: Fertilizer containing more than one kind of element.Example: DAP fertilizer and Amofos made of N and P. Compound fertilizer can also be composed of 3 elements. Rustika also called Yellow and Pearl. Both are equipped with content that fertilizer N, P, and K. Manufacturer of fertilizer is usually also added micro elements such as Fe, B, Mo, Mn, and Cu.
To be practical, planters usually wear mejemuk fertilizer. Generally in the market supply of fertilizer to the main content of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium by various comparisons. The size comparison is included in the packaging label. Posts 20, 10, 10 meaning that the highest nitrogen content appropriate for future growth.

Compost is organic material

CompostCompost is organic material that has undergone weathering, such as straw, reed, rice husks, and others including animal waste. Actually, green manure and litter can be considered as compost. But now many spesifisikasi about compost.Usually people prefer to use domestic waste or waste derived from plants and renewable materials that are not mixed metal and plastic. It is also expected to tackle the mounting trash heaps and reduce pollution and pollution in urban areas.
3. DungThe farmers used to make and use the manure as fertilizer because it is cheap, easy to process, as well as its effect on plants. The use of fertilizers is a manifestation of the incorporation of agriculture and animal husbandry as well as a necessary condition for farming concepts. Manure has the advantage of better properties than other organic fertilizers especially from inorganic fertilizers, manure that contains a lot of humus organic elements needed in the soil. Therefore, to maintain soil structure so easily processed and contain a lot of oxygen.
The addition of manure to increase fertility and agricultural production. This is due to more land to hold water so it will be dissolved and the nutrients more easily absorbed by the roots of reeds. Sources of macro and micro nutrients in balance that is essential for plant growth and development. Micro elements that are not found in other fertilizers can be supplied by manure, for example, S, Mn, Co, Br, and others. Manure contains many microorganisms that can membanru formation of humus in the soil and synthesize specific compounds that are useful for plants, so manure is a fertilizer that is necessary for the soil and plants and its presence in the soil can not be replaced by other fertilizers.
4. FERTILIZER litterLitter fertilizer is a waste utilization plant or component that has been unused. For example hay, straw hump, blow grass, corn cobs, and others. Fertilizer is often called manure litter ground cover due to direct utilization, which was placed over the surface of the soil around the plants (mulch). The role of this fertilizer are:

Green manure made from

REEN MANUREGreen manure made from plants or plant components are embedded into the ground. The species that is widely used is of familia Leguminoceae or nuts and types of grasses (elephant grass). Type can produce more organic material, absorption haranya larger and have root nodules that helps bind nitrogen from the air.
The advantage of using green manures, among others:

Can improve soil structure and texture and water infiltration
Prevent erosion
Can help control pests and diseases that come from the soil and weeds if planted during fallow land
Very useful in areas that are difficult to reach for the supply of inorganic fertilizers

However, green manure also has its drawbacks, namely:
Green plants can be a constraint in time, energy, land, and water in cropping patterns that use crop rotation with legumes can invite pests or diseases can cause competition with staple crops in terms of forging, water and nutrients in the cropping pattern of intercropping

Based on its use are distinguished

Based on its use are distinguished:

Foliar fertilizer means a fertilizer is fertilizer dissolved in water and sprayed on the leaf surface.
Aksr fertilizer or soil fertilizer is fertilizer applied to the soil around the roots to be absorbed by plant roots.

Based on physiological reactions are distinguished:

Fertilizers have a physiological reaction to sour it mean when the fertilizer is given to the soil there is a tendency to become more acidic soil (pH becomes lower). For example, Za and urea.
Fertilizers have a physiological reaction is the basis of fertilizer when applied to the soil causes the soil pH tends to rise eg fertilizer chili Salpeter, calnitro, calcium cyanide.

Based on the amount of nutrients they contain are distinguished:

Fertilizers that contain only one nutrient plant. For example: urea containing only N, P TSP just overlooked it (actually containing Ca).
Compound fertilizer is the fertilizer which contains two or more two plant nutrients. For example: NPK, amophoska, Nitrophoska and Rustika.

Based on the variety of plant nutrients are distinguished:

Fertilizer is fertilizer containing macro macro only just: NPK, nitrophoska, Gandasil.
Micro fertilizer is a fertilizer containing micronutrients only just for example: mikrovet, mikroplet, metallic.
Mixture of macro and micro fertilizers Gandasil example, bayfolan, Rustika. Often mixed into macro and micro fertilizers also added plant growth regulators (growth hormone).

Based compounds are distinguished:

Based compounds are distinguished:

Organic fertilizer is fertilizer in the form of organic compounds. Most organic fertilizers classified as natural fertilizer (manure, compost, guano). Natural fertilizer that does not include organic fertilizers such as rock phosphate, commonly derived from similar rocks apatite [Ca3 (PO4) 2].
Inorganic or mineral fertilizers are fertilizers from inorganic compounds. Almost all fertilizers classified as inorganic fertilizer.

Based on the phase of his distinguished:

Solid fertilizers. Fertilizers generally have solid solubility range from water soluble to poorly soluble.
Liquid fertilizer. Fertilizer is a liquid, how to use reconstituted with water first. Generally, this fertilizer is sprayed onto the leaves. Because it contains a lot of nutrients, both macro and micro level, the price is relatively expensive. Fertilizer Liquid ammonia is a liquid fertilizer N its high levels around 83%, can pass the land use (injected).

In a broad sense is fertilizer is a material

In a broad sense is fertilizer is a material that is used to alter the physical, chemical or biological soil so that it becomes better for plant growth.In a special sense whice fertilizer is a material containing one or more plant nutrients.

FERTILIZER FOR OTHER DEFINITIONSFertilizer is a material that is added to the growing media and plants to provide for the necessary plant nutrient so as to produce well. Material can be either organic manure or inorganic (mineral). Different fertilizer supplements. Fertilizers containing feedstock plant growth and development, while supplements like hormontumbuhan help smooth the process of metabolism. Into the fertilizer, especially fertilizers, supplements may be added a number of materials.
In the fertilizer needs to consider these plants, so plants do not get terkaku many nutrients. Too little or too banyan food substances can be harmful to plants. Fertilizer can be given through the soil or sprayed onto the leaves.

Fertilizer can be distinguished by the origin of the material, compound, phase, how to use, physiological reaction, the amount and kinds of nutrients they contain.Based originally distinguished:

Natural Fertilizers are natural fertilizers contained in or made with natural ingredients without meaningful process. For example: compost, guano, green manure and fertilizer rocks P.
Artificial fertilizer is fertilizer made by the manufacturer. For example, TSP, urea, and nitrophoska Rustika. Fertilizer is made by the manufacturer to change the natural resources through the physics and / or chemistry.