Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Phosphorus is a constituent component

 Phosphorus is a constituent component of several enzymes, proteins, ATP, RNA, and DNA. ATP is important for the energy transfer process, while RNA and DNA determines the genetic properties of plants. P element also plays a role in the growth of the seeds, roots, flowers, and fruit. By improving the structure of the roots so that the absorption of nutrients even better. Function also in the process of photosynthesis and chemical plant physiology, to cell division.
When the shortage leaves parents tend gray. Brown leaf margins, bone young leaves dark green, burnt, the growth of small leaves, stunted, eventually falling, slower growth phase and stunted plants.
If the excess absorption of elements such as iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) is disturbed. But the physical symptoms are not visible on the plant.

c. Potassium (K)

Potassium acts as a regulator of plant physiological processes such as photosynthesis, accumulation, translocation, transport of carbohydrates, open the closed stomata, or arrange for the distribution of water in tissues,
Symptoms of low level leaves a small, white, yellow, or red. Part pingggir leaves yellow or red, to brown, burned, and eventually die.
Symptoms of excess causes impaired absorption of Ca and Mg. Stunted plant growth so that plants deficient.

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