Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Green manure made from

REEN MANUREGreen manure made from plants or plant components are embedded into the ground. The species that is widely used is of familia Leguminoceae or nuts and types of grasses (elephant grass). Type can produce more organic material, absorption haranya larger and have root nodules that helps bind nitrogen from the air.
The advantage of using green manures, among others:

Can improve soil structure and texture and water infiltration
Prevent erosion
Can help control pests and diseases that come from the soil and weeds if planted during fallow land
Very useful in areas that are difficult to reach for the supply of inorganic fertilizers

However, green manure also has its drawbacks, namely:
Green plants can be a constraint in time, energy, land, and water in cropping patterns that use crop rotation with legumes can invite pests or diseases can cause competition with staple crops in terms of forging, water and nutrients in the cropping pattern of intercropping

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